Post by Taffer on Aug 16, 2016 18:25:37 GMT
Posting Times in this post are GMT+3
Volodja Uljanov: I think it's fine. Will be describing Doctor's family and other animals tomorrow. 4 Aug 2016 at 22:44 *
Belle Starr: Chase, I posted in your story, but keep tweaking it! I put Belle in a red flannel shirt not to hijack your story, but to kind of give the title of your story a double meaning! Hope u don't mind! 5 Aug 2016 at 06:01
Belle Starr: BTW Chase, I'm going to follow you posting style and not post any pictures and videos, just prose in this story, something different for me! Should be fun! 5 Aug 2016 at 06:12
Volodja Uljanov: And my respects to young Peter Jackson and his early films are paid I beg you - don't kill any of my new NPC-s yet 5 Aug 2016 at 10:39 *
Chase Lonehart: That'd be fine, Belle. Typically, I don't post images, but you're welcome to (I often include music linked to text). I'll get to work on the next part. If anyone else wishes to join, y'all can. 5 Aug 2016 at 12:28
Volodja Uljanov: Maybe Uncle Wolfram plays along a bit to bring some comic relief He hasn't much to do lately. 5 Aug 2016 at 12:37 *
Atticus Batman: Volo feel free to edit Todt's and Hubert's profiles to make them more accurate to your vision or at least to complete their profiles. LOL 5 Aug 2016 at 14:26
Volodja Uljanov: I will if it's necessary 5 Aug 2016 at 15:43
Taffer: I'm afraid I'll be spending next two days without any Internet access available. My PC will likely spend this time backing up Defiance Data site given the latest news. I'll be back on Sunday I hope. 5 Aug 2016 at 19:36
Volodja Uljanov: Take care and take your time, Taffer. 5 Aug 2016 at 21:05
Belle Starr: Death of Defiance Data means the game will soon follow! I went back for 10 days at this last event, but same old problems with few rewards, with even the 10 day reward only a purple! Haven't been inspired to go back! Sad! 5 Aug 2016 at 22:23
Chase Lonehart: Having a bit of a delay with my MacBook Pro. Oddest thing. It powers up with an after market charger (now broken) but doesn't power up with a OEM Apple charger. :/ 6 Aug 2016 at 08:08
Chase Lonehart: So, the next post I do will be from the iPad once more. 6 Aug 2016 at 08:09
Belle Starr: I haven't a clue where to go from here Volo, so I'll be following your lead! Like your NPCs so far... definitely an Island of Dr. Moreau feel! 6 Aug 2016 at 15:39
Volodja Uljanov: Hopefully I manage to shake that feel a bit with Marcel's posts, although I try to manage the atmosphere 6 Aug 2016 at 21:42 *
Volodja Uljanov: And hopefully I described Lena correctly. 6 Aug 2016 at 21:51
Erika Widowmaker: Yep, I just took Lena's reactions a step further, and made a happy post for a change for Erika! I also game General Kima a first name: Thadeus! 6 Aug 2016 at 23:16 *
Atticus Batman: In the Background and Secondary NPCs list I chose to change how I list what updates I make to that thread. Please tell me if you like this way better. 7 Aug 2016 at 11:41
Marcel Lestrange: Working on my post. If I go too far, I will edit it out. Got inspired by Lena's leech gifs. 7 Aug 2016 at 19:45 *
Belle Starr: Haven't gone too far yet, so NP! I'm just not sure what to write at this point, as I haven't seen anything to react to, but I'm interested where u r going with this last link u posted! 7 Aug 2016 at 22:07
Belle Starr: OK, when I read it last, Marcel had yet to drop his pants, so I see where u r going with this, but given this is Lena, go forward as anything (almost) goes with her! LOL! 7 Aug 2016 at 22:11
Volodja Uljanov: I think that leech is able to move itself smoothly through Lena and catch the bait, Marcel offered, considering that Lena is (unnaturally) natural environment for Abbie so she won't see her as a food source. 7 Aug 2016 at 22:36 *
Volodja Uljanov: If there is a need or anything doesn't suit I will edit and delete . 7 Aug 2016 at 23:21 *
Belle Starr: No need to! Did an ensemble post for my part! 8 Aug 2016 at 19:00
Volodja Uljanov: And sorry if I spoiled Lena's fun. 8 Aug 2016 at 19:04 *
Belle Starr: Okay, Lady is in the Rover, Lena is in the island mansion, but where is Sandy? 9 Aug 2016 at 06:18
Atticus Batman: Sandy is on the Vigilant with Volo, Kaj, and Archer, heading to Île Vate. So your post needs a minor edit to put her on the Vigilant, Belle. 9 Aug 2016 at 12:46 *
Atticus Batman: Atticus, Lady and Vo have moved to the Garilu. Taff, Lu, Atika and Attila are still with the Riot. 9 Aug 2016 at 13:02
Volodja Uljanov: Whoa. We have 26 guests at the same time. Welcome. 9 Aug 2016 at 13:38
Belle Starr: Thanks Atticus! U know how easy I get confused! LOL! Fixing it now! Wow Volo! 26 at once! I wonder if this is where people get their Defiance fix now! 9 Aug 2016 at 15:02 *
Atticus Batman: Just made a post. Still editing and about to find the vids and pics I had in mind to add them. However Belle, please let me know if I need to change anything for Lady. Taffer, the same goes for the lines I gave Vo, of course. 9 Aug 2016 at 15:16 *
Atticus Batman: Alright songs and picture added to Atticus' post. Hope you like their little whale watching....Despite nature being so violent! LOL 9 Aug 2016 at 15:25 *
Atticus Batman: I really branched out with my musical selections tonight! The first song is Christian rock and the second is glam rock! 9 Aug 2016 at 15:31
Atticus Batman: Just did a little quick research on the blue whale and discovered it almost never goes below 0.2 miles so modified my post slightly. So instead of over 2 miles below the surface the Garilu is between half a mile and a mile. Darn research! LOL 9 Aug 2016 at 15:51 *
Belle Starr: Hi Chase! I didn't know if Iri was present at the meeting or still at the autopsy with Eren, but if I need to tweak my post in any way, just let me know! It's fun to write Belle again! 10 Aug 2016 at 04:18
Lena Marr: ANNNNNND - another sex scene for Lena and Marcel! LOL! 10 Aug 2016 at 05:26
Chase Lonehart: She's still preparing the blood samples for Eren while she handles the autopsy, but I can have her introduced to the group if needed. 10 Aug 2016 at 16:31
Belle Starr: Chase, only if u think it necessary - I'm following your lead here! 10 Aug 2016 at 16:55
Marcel Lestrange: I hope that you are not mind if I write in the morning and describe more members of Euthanasius's little family. Eyelids are heavy. 10 Aug 2016 at 22:31 *
Belle Starr: NP! I've got Convocation at the University as we ready for the Fall Semester, so I probably won't be able to write until tomorrow night, so just drag my gals with you please! 11 Aug 2016 at 07:05
Atticus Batman: Well Atticus is back in his element doing some tracking. However so far my favorite Atticus post in this chapter is the Red Whale post. I rather enjoyed coming up with and typing that little undersea excursion. 11 Aug 2016 at 14:56
Belle Starr: My favorite Atticus post in this story too!! 11 Aug 2016 at 15:17
Volodja Uljanov: Still pretty please not to kill any NPC-s In the morning I have to write some Euthanasius. Before that I have to refresh my knowledge about Vanuatu's fauna and flora. They don't have a huge variety of species 11 Aug 2016 at 23:01 *
Volodja Uljanov: So I have to see which ones I can use and which key I will be writing in. And find some illustrative pictures. 11 Aug 2016 at 23:03 *
Belle Starr: NP with me Volo! I crashed after a long day, and woke up with an addition in mind to Belle's post to "Lady in Red!" Hope u don't mind the addition to your story Chase, and I promise the subplot won't interfere with your main story! 12 Aug 2016 at 07:07 *
Chase Lonehart: Interesting, Belle. Most interesting. 12 Aug 2016 at 13:36
Atticus Batman: Taff I'm sure the plan was for two portals to be on the Vigilant, a portal or two on Riot and two on Garilu but I can have Atticus' team go back to the Riot for a forgotten portal anyway 13 Aug 2016 at 13:59 *
Atticus Batman: It is possible that only one was loaded on the Garilu and therefore 2 or 3 on the Riot instead of just 1 or 2. However I have a sinus migraine. So I am going to go to bed and will worry about figuring out a post tomorrow night. 13 Aug 2016 at 14:11 *
Volodja Uljanov: Get well Atty. Aren't dugongs lovely? And by the way - Allan Asbjørn Jøn has also a book, called "The Development of MMORPG Culture and The Guild." 13 Aug 2016 at 14:26 *
Sandy Bell: And Sandy shows once again how different she and Volodja are as to knowledge, but also how similar they are as to critical thinking! LOL! Softened Sandy's response a bit, so off to Black Desert! CYA Volo! 13 Aug 2016 at 17:47 *
Volodja Uljanov: Take care. Will be responding in the morning. Too sleepy once again. 13 Aug 2016 at 22:36 *
Taffer: My bad, I forgot we have a few portals on each vehicle. I've corrected my post so the Garilu team can continue on their way without returning to Riot. Surprisingly, it turned out to be just a few minor edits. 14 Aug 2016 at 00:38 *
Volodja Uljanov: I think that I will let you top decide if you heard Volodja or not. Then I won't be limiting you from having adventures with possible mutated local species too much 14 Aug 2016 at 14:19 *
Atticus Batman: Lol Volo that reminds me of Kovac's rules from "How to Survive"! 14 Aug 2016 at 14:50
Volodja Uljanov: Nice guide. Should use that when I play the game. 14 Aug 2016 at 14:55
Atticus Batman: Not sure Volo's EGO would get through which is why we had it set up so the Riot would do everything to keep comm channels open and relay messages. However I have a way of addressing that in Atika's post that I am about to make. LOL 14 Aug 2016 at 15:53 *
Atika Constantine: Alright done. So now both teams should get the information clearly. 14 Aug 2016 at 16:15
Lady Christianna: And one of my girls give y'all an opportunity to be heroic again! First come, first serve! LOL! Enjoy y'all! 14 Aug 2016 at 19:10
Atticus Batman: Lady we are in the Garilu not the Riot. Taffer's team has the Riot. yesterday at 13:37 *
Lady Christianna: Oops! Will change it! Other than that, my group post is over and I'm off to work! yesterday at 15:28
Atticus Batman: More daking drama I see. yesterday at 15:30 *
Atticus Batman: That caused my sadistic mind to come up with even more drama! How very unfortunate for the soon to be (no longer dearly in Atticus' eyes) departed Vo! yesterday at 16:18 *
Belle Starr: Ohhh... I may have taken Bellerama too far! Really opened a can of worms this time! Maybe too much?!?! NAH, never too much! LOL! yesterday at 18:52
Belle Starr: Ok, I'm a little confused, as Atticus could tell when I referenced the wrong craft! is Sandy and her security team supposed to go through a DM portal and emerge on the roof of the Garilu or where? 19 hours ago
Atticus Batman: Yes the open portal is on the roof of the Garilu, provided Taffer gave the order for a commando team to go through and help Atticus' team with their emergency. It and the Vigilant's portals are also the only currently active portals mentioned. 8 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: However there are two security commando teams. One led by Sandy and one led by Volo. So technically either 1 could be ordered through. Or Taffer could just order a commando team to go through and let Sandy and Volo decide which team will go to help. 7 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: However after reading Sandy and Volo's posts, since it appears that Volo is in command of the stealth team and Sandy is in command of the heavy hitting strike team, Sandy's team would certainly be the best choice for a hot zone insertion such as this. 7 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: To give Vo a chance (in case a commando team wasn't right behind the still very silent and brooding Atticus), I added to my post to have Dinara send Vo a warning, without completely tipping Atticus off as to what she was up to. 7 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: Also added a video that I was originally going to put in last night, but got so lost in the deeply emotional black-hole of that post that I forgot the song and band altogether. 6 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: And Belle since you like Rhianna, you should hear Steam-powered Giraffe's cover of "Diamonds", and their complete gimmick is even more noticable in that video! I love their version! 6 hours ago *
Volodja Uljanov: Looks like I managed to hid my reference to the "Time Bandits" and late Kenny Baker - probably one of the greatest midgets quite well... 5 hours ago *
Volodja Uljanov: I think it's fine. Will be describing Doctor's family and other animals tomorrow. 4 Aug 2016 at 22:44 *
Belle Starr: Chase, I posted in your story, but keep tweaking it! I put Belle in a red flannel shirt not to hijack your story, but to kind of give the title of your story a double meaning! Hope u don't mind! 5 Aug 2016 at 06:01
Belle Starr: BTW Chase, I'm going to follow you posting style and not post any pictures and videos, just prose in this story, something different for me! Should be fun! 5 Aug 2016 at 06:12
Volodja Uljanov: And my respects to young Peter Jackson and his early films are paid I beg you - don't kill any of my new NPC-s yet 5 Aug 2016 at 10:39 *
Chase Lonehart: That'd be fine, Belle. Typically, I don't post images, but you're welcome to (I often include music linked to text). I'll get to work on the next part. If anyone else wishes to join, y'all can. 5 Aug 2016 at 12:28
Volodja Uljanov: Maybe Uncle Wolfram plays along a bit to bring some comic relief He hasn't much to do lately. 5 Aug 2016 at 12:37 *
Atticus Batman: Volo feel free to edit Todt's and Hubert's profiles to make them more accurate to your vision or at least to complete their profiles. LOL 5 Aug 2016 at 14:26
Volodja Uljanov: I will if it's necessary 5 Aug 2016 at 15:43
Taffer: I'm afraid I'll be spending next two days without any Internet access available. My PC will likely spend this time backing up Defiance Data site given the latest news. I'll be back on Sunday I hope. 5 Aug 2016 at 19:36
Volodja Uljanov: Take care and take your time, Taffer. 5 Aug 2016 at 21:05
Belle Starr: Death of Defiance Data means the game will soon follow! I went back for 10 days at this last event, but same old problems with few rewards, with even the 10 day reward only a purple! Haven't been inspired to go back! Sad! 5 Aug 2016 at 22:23
Chase Lonehart: Having a bit of a delay with my MacBook Pro. Oddest thing. It powers up with an after market charger (now broken) but doesn't power up with a OEM Apple charger. :/ 6 Aug 2016 at 08:08
Chase Lonehart: So, the next post I do will be from the iPad once more. 6 Aug 2016 at 08:09
Belle Starr: I haven't a clue where to go from here Volo, so I'll be following your lead! Like your NPCs so far... definitely an Island of Dr. Moreau feel! 6 Aug 2016 at 15:39
Volodja Uljanov: Hopefully I manage to shake that feel a bit with Marcel's posts, although I try to manage the atmosphere 6 Aug 2016 at 21:42 *
Volodja Uljanov: And hopefully I described Lena correctly. 6 Aug 2016 at 21:51
Erika Widowmaker: Yep, I just took Lena's reactions a step further, and made a happy post for a change for Erika! I also game General Kima a first name: Thadeus! 6 Aug 2016 at 23:16 *
Atticus Batman: In the Background and Secondary NPCs list I chose to change how I list what updates I make to that thread. Please tell me if you like this way better. 7 Aug 2016 at 11:41
Marcel Lestrange: Working on my post. If I go too far, I will edit it out. Got inspired by Lena's leech gifs. 7 Aug 2016 at 19:45 *
Belle Starr: Haven't gone too far yet, so NP! I'm just not sure what to write at this point, as I haven't seen anything to react to, but I'm interested where u r going with this last link u posted! 7 Aug 2016 at 22:07
Belle Starr: OK, when I read it last, Marcel had yet to drop his pants, so I see where u r going with this, but given this is Lena, go forward as anything (almost) goes with her! LOL! 7 Aug 2016 at 22:11
Volodja Uljanov: I think that leech is able to move itself smoothly through Lena and catch the bait, Marcel offered, considering that Lena is (unnaturally) natural environment for Abbie so she won't see her as a food source. 7 Aug 2016 at 22:36 *
Volodja Uljanov: If there is a need or anything doesn't suit I will edit and delete . 7 Aug 2016 at 23:21 *
Belle Starr: No need to! Did an ensemble post for my part! 8 Aug 2016 at 19:00
Volodja Uljanov: And sorry if I spoiled Lena's fun. 8 Aug 2016 at 19:04 *
Belle Starr: Okay, Lady is in the Rover, Lena is in the island mansion, but where is Sandy? 9 Aug 2016 at 06:18
Atticus Batman: Sandy is on the Vigilant with Volo, Kaj, and Archer, heading to Île Vate. So your post needs a minor edit to put her on the Vigilant, Belle. 9 Aug 2016 at 12:46 *
Atticus Batman: Atticus, Lady and Vo have moved to the Garilu. Taff, Lu, Atika and Attila are still with the Riot. 9 Aug 2016 at 13:02
Volodja Uljanov: Whoa. We have 26 guests at the same time. Welcome. 9 Aug 2016 at 13:38
Belle Starr: Thanks Atticus! U know how easy I get confused! LOL! Fixing it now! Wow Volo! 26 at once! I wonder if this is where people get their Defiance fix now! 9 Aug 2016 at 15:02 *
Atticus Batman: Just made a post. Still editing and about to find the vids and pics I had in mind to add them. However Belle, please let me know if I need to change anything for Lady. Taffer, the same goes for the lines I gave Vo, of course. 9 Aug 2016 at 15:16 *
Atticus Batman: Alright songs and picture added to Atticus' post. Hope you like their little whale watching....Despite nature being so violent! LOL 9 Aug 2016 at 15:25 *
Atticus Batman: I really branched out with my musical selections tonight! The first song is Christian rock and the second is glam rock! 9 Aug 2016 at 15:31
Atticus Batman: Just did a little quick research on the blue whale and discovered it almost never goes below 0.2 miles so modified my post slightly. So instead of over 2 miles below the surface the Garilu is between half a mile and a mile. Darn research! LOL 9 Aug 2016 at 15:51 *
Belle Starr: Hi Chase! I didn't know if Iri was present at the meeting or still at the autopsy with Eren, but if I need to tweak my post in any way, just let me know! It's fun to write Belle again! 10 Aug 2016 at 04:18
Lena Marr: ANNNNNND - another sex scene for Lena and Marcel! LOL! 10 Aug 2016 at 05:26
Chase Lonehart: She's still preparing the blood samples for Eren while she handles the autopsy, but I can have her introduced to the group if needed. 10 Aug 2016 at 16:31
Belle Starr: Chase, only if u think it necessary - I'm following your lead here! 10 Aug 2016 at 16:55
Marcel Lestrange: I hope that you are not mind if I write in the morning and describe more members of Euthanasius's little family. Eyelids are heavy. 10 Aug 2016 at 22:31 *
Belle Starr: NP! I've got Convocation at the University as we ready for the Fall Semester, so I probably won't be able to write until tomorrow night, so just drag my gals with you please! 11 Aug 2016 at 07:05
Atticus Batman: Well Atticus is back in his element doing some tracking. However so far my favorite Atticus post in this chapter is the Red Whale post. I rather enjoyed coming up with and typing that little undersea excursion. 11 Aug 2016 at 14:56
Belle Starr: My favorite Atticus post in this story too!! 11 Aug 2016 at 15:17
Volodja Uljanov: Still pretty please not to kill any NPC-s In the morning I have to write some Euthanasius. Before that I have to refresh my knowledge about Vanuatu's fauna and flora. They don't have a huge variety of species 11 Aug 2016 at 23:01 *
Volodja Uljanov: So I have to see which ones I can use and which key I will be writing in. And find some illustrative pictures. 11 Aug 2016 at 23:03 *
Belle Starr: NP with me Volo! I crashed after a long day, and woke up with an addition in mind to Belle's post to "Lady in Red!" Hope u don't mind the addition to your story Chase, and I promise the subplot won't interfere with your main story! 12 Aug 2016 at 07:07 *
Chase Lonehart: Interesting, Belle. Most interesting. 12 Aug 2016 at 13:36
Atticus Batman: Taff I'm sure the plan was for two portals to be on the Vigilant, a portal or two on Riot and two on Garilu but I can have Atticus' team go back to the Riot for a forgotten portal anyway 13 Aug 2016 at 13:59 *
Atticus Batman: It is possible that only one was loaded on the Garilu and therefore 2 or 3 on the Riot instead of just 1 or 2. However I have a sinus migraine. So I am going to go to bed and will worry about figuring out a post tomorrow night. 13 Aug 2016 at 14:11 *
Volodja Uljanov: Get well Atty. Aren't dugongs lovely? And by the way - Allan Asbjørn Jøn has also a book, called "The Development of MMORPG Culture and The Guild." 13 Aug 2016 at 14:26 *
Sandy Bell: And Sandy shows once again how different she and Volodja are as to knowledge, but also how similar they are as to critical thinking! LOL! Softened Sandy's response a bit, so off to Black Desert! CYA Volo! 13 Aug 2016 at 17:47 *
Volodja Uljanov: Take care. Will be responding in the morning. Too sleepy once again. 13 Aug 2016 at 22:36 *
Taffer: My bad, I forgot we have a few portals on each vehicle. I've corrected my post so the Garilu team can continue on their way without returning to Riot. Surprisingly, it turned out to be just a few minor edits. 14 Aug 2016 at 00:38 *
Volodja Uljanov: I think that I will let you top decide if you heard Volodja or not. Then I won't be limiting you from having adventures with possible mutated local species too much 14 Aug 2016 at 14:19 *
Atticus Batman: Lol Volo that reminds me of Kovac's rules from "How to Survive"! 14 Aug 2016 at 14:50
Volodja Uljanov: Nice guide. Should use that when I play the game. 14 Aug 2016 at 14:55
Atticus Batman: Not sure Volo's EGO would get through which is why we had it set up so the Riot would do everything to keep comm channels open and relay messages. However I have a way of addressing that in Atika's post that I am about to make. LOL 14 Aug 2016 at 15:53 *
Atika Constantine: Alright done. So now both teams should get the information clearly. 14 Aug 2016 at 16:15
Lady Christianna: And one of my girls give y'all an opportunity to be heroic again! First come, first serve! LOL! Enjoy y'all! 14 Aug 2016 at 19:10
Atticus Batman: Lady we are in the Garilu not the Riot. Taffer's team has the Riot. yesterday at 13:37 *
Lady Christianna: Oops! Will change it! Other than that, my group post is over and I'm off to work! yesterday at 15:28
Atticus Batman: More daking drama I see. yesterday at 15:30 *
Atticus Batman: That caused my sadistic mind to come up with even more drama! How very unfortunate for the soon to be (no longer dearly in Atticus' eyes) departed Vo! yesterday at 16:18 *
Belle Starr: Ohhh... I may have taken Bellerama too far! Really opened a can of worms this time! Maybe too much?!?! NAH, never too much! LOL! yesterday at 18:52
Belle Starr: Ok, I'm a little confused, as Atticus could tell when I referenced the wrong craft! is Sandy and her security team supposed to go through a DM portal and emerge on the roof of the Garilu or where? 19 hours ago
Atticus Batman: Yes the open portal is on the roof of the Garilu, provided Taffer gave the order for a commando team to go through and help Atticus' team with their emergency. It and the Vigilant's portals are also the only currently active portals mentioned. 8 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: However there are two security commando teams. One led by Sandy and one led by Volo. So technically either 1 could be ordered through. Or Taffer could just order a commando team to go through and let Sandy and Volo decide which team will go to help. 7 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: However after reading Sandy and Volo's posts, since it appears that Volo is in command of the stealth team and Sandy is in command of the heavy hitting strike team, Sandy's team would certainly be the best choice for a hot zone insertion such as this. 7 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: To give Vo a chance (in case a commando team wasn't right behind the still very silent and brooding Atticus), I added to my post to have Dinara send Vo a warning, without completely tipping Atticus off as to what she was up to. 7 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: Also added a video that I was originally going to put in last night, but got so lost in the deeply emotional black-hole of that post that I forgot the song and band altogether. 6 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: And Belle since you like Rhianna, you should hear Steam-powered Giraffe's cover of "Diamonds", and their complete gimmick is even more noticable in that video! I love their version! 6 hours ago *
Volodja Uljanov: Looks like I managed to hid my reference to the "Time Bandits" and late Kenny Baker - probably one of the greatest midgets quite well... 5 hours ago *