Posting Times in this post are GMT+3 Volodja Uljanov: Nice Taffer, Great post. Only one minor fix if I may suggest. Marcel took Bert and Ernie away with him
He could not afford a risk to leave such marvellous pair of witnesses behind. They would probably snitch on him by accident. 26 Jan 2016 at 22:54 *
Taffer: Made an edit to clarify that part. Taffer didn't see Bert and Ernie in action so he didn't see them as someone important. That's why they were omitted in Taffer's train of thoughts. 27 Jan 2016 at 00:16
Theoretical: Ok that I understand... I HATE lockpoppers 27 Jan 2016 at 00:51
Theoretical: But someone starting to rage cuz a newbie heals people with a BMG and his Berzerk shield boost wont work if he gets healed and saying: Noobs with 140 ego shouldnt play around 6kers. Ban Edit 27 Jan 2016 at 00:53
Sandy Bell: That's just wrong! There are some real jerks in the Defiance game, but most are real nice; however, the jerks tend to have big mouths, feel they own the game, & dominate game chat! That's why I tend 2 only pay attention 2 clan chat & personal messages!
27 Jan 2016 at 01:03 *
Theoretical: Same here. I remove Zone chat mostly, I forgot this time tho. I loath elitist. 27 Jan 2016 at 01:05
Sandy Bell: I have three 6000 level characters (Belle, Erika, and Lady), one 5000 (Sandy) and one 1500 (Lena) but no matter who I'm playing, I try to help the new players, since the tutorial is a bit lacking!
27 Jan 2016 at 01:07 *
Sandy Bell: It's not that I'm that good, just that I'm tenacious and had a real love affair with the game for a very long time! I used to play everyday!
27 Jan 2016 at 01:10 *
Theoretical: When I stopped playing my Irathien was 6k but I for some reason deleted him. Ryleth my current EU main is only 3700 27 Jan 2016 at 01:19
Theoretical: Everyone on NA that wants to add Ryleth Ama'ek 27 Jan 2016 at 01:32
Sandy Bell: U have to be on when a person is on to add them, but I will look for u next time I'm on, whenever that may be! Got to get ready for class tonight! CYA!
27 Jan 2016 at 01:47
27 Jan 2016 at 02:02
Theoretical: Going ingame right now just so yeh all know 27 Jan 2016 at 03:30
Atticus Batman: I would but as I am the only Xbox 360 player on these forums, I am out of luck with playing the game with any of you. Btw Pc may have the elitist jerks but Xbox has the complete douches who insult everyone just to prove they can. 27 Jan 2016 at 13:26
Atticus Batman: Done and off to bed, I think. Hello Volo and good-morrow to you! 27 Jan 2016 at 15:00
Volodja Uljanov: have nice dreams. 27 Jan 2016 at 15:26
Theoretical: Them insult all douches are the worst ! *hugs the atticus* I feel for you 27 Jan 2016 at 17:17
Theoretical: Question: As a starter locale for my Ark hunter, where do you suggest I begin? I havnt fully written his backstory yet but basically he has in NA for about a year before he joined up as an Arkhunter on the Stratocarrier that went down in Mount Tam. 27 Jan 2016 at 18:16
Volodja Uljanov: Depends what you want him to do. Volo joined the same carrier and went down with it but wandered around and had his own adventures until he joined the team after getting caught as a stowaway. Marcel took a hike from VBI as soon as he got his EGO installed. 27 Jan 2016 at 18:18
Volodja Uljanov: And returned to USA to pay some old debts to Volo. I was kind of stubborn and tried to write my guys in myself, so it took time for them to befriend rest of characters. But you don't have to choose that path
27 Jan 2016 at 18:19 *
Theoretical: Currently Ingame: Ryleth Ama'ek 27 Jan 2016 at 22:38
Chase Lonehart: Unfortunately, I'm not able to access the game right now. I normally play in the night time. 27 Jan 2016 at 23:37
Theoretical: Ok offically starting on my character profile in notepad. It will be posted in a few hours. 28 Jan 2016 at 01:05
Chase Lonehart: Take as much time as you need Theo.
28 Jan 2016 at 01:32
Theoretical: Just finished season 2. I forgot how damn intense and emotional it was. 28 Jan 2016 at 04:23
Lady Christianna: I know I've used this Bowie song before, but it it is SO relevant with Lady's post, especially since the artist recently died! TYVM David!
28 Jan 2016 at 20:00
Lady Christianna: Atticus - I know I'm driving u crazy with Lady's indecision, but she is a teenage girl! LOL! Seriously, it's your decision whether they go or stay - I the writer is fine either way!
28 Jan 2016 at 20:21 *
Lady Christianna: Hi Volo - I meant Pucu 2 just be an eccentric old lady, but if u want 2 do something more, that's OK! Right now, can't think of where 2 go with Sandy & this, so taking a break (also trying to slow up so the others can catch up)! LOL! Back 2 work!
28 Jan 2016 at 20:25 *
Volodja Uljanov: I am fine that Pucu is a harmless eccentric, but I wanted to give Sophie and Sarge a chance to spook her if needed
28 Jan 2016 at 20:27 *
Sandy Bell: Hey Volo! Whatever happened to Marcel?!?!?
28 Jan 2016 at 21:12
Volodja Uljanov: Marcel is busy
I have his post in mind already
And I can send Volo to conform Pucu if needed
28 Jan 2016 at 21:17 *
Volodja Uljanov: Done. Marcel stands up for Lena even when she is not around. 28 Jan 2016 at 22:12 *
Sandy Bell: Sandy took care of Pucu (although I left it open so U can change it if u want), and more humor! Hope the others join us soon though! Got doctor's appointments and tests tomorrow so probably won't post! Just so U know! Off to class!
28 Jan 2016 at 22:23 *
Volodja Uljanov: Take care
28 Jan 2016 at 22:26 *
Sandy Bell: Had to add that Taylor Swift music video! Just... HAD TO! LOL! BYE!
28 Jan 2016 at 22:34 *
Theoretical: AH! I say taylor swift! *runs away* 29 Jan 2016 at 02:28
Volodja Uljanov: Sorry guys. I am in the educational mood today
29 Jan 2016 at 13:12
Theoretical: Taylor swift is NOT educational . *covers his ears* 29 Jan 2016 at 14:09
Belle Starr: GM Atticus! Posted a Taylor Swift music video just for U! Bwa ha HA!
29 Jan 2016 at 16:08 *
Belle Starr: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! All the stuff going on Atticus, and you focus on Lady's breast milk!?!?!? BTW, just how long were u breast fed? Today, most women quit breast feeding by 2-3 months! LOL!
29 Jan 2016 at 16:13 *
Theoretical: *stares at Belle and Sandy* You two are evils.... 29 Jan 2016 at 16:35
Belle Starr: BTW, Lady will follow your lead, so I guess it's back to Fortress Kshaa for them! C'est la vie!
29 Jan 2016 at 16:45
Belle Starr: Yes Theo, WE R! Bwa ha HA! (also we r avatars of the same writer btw!) Belle, Sandy, Erika, and Lena r all written by me! I get bored easily!
29 Jan 2016 at 16:46 *
Theoretical: ^_^ I Shall defeat evil with evil! *pokes bellybutton and runs away* 29 Jan 2016 at 16:50
Belle Starr: Love the new pictures Theo, but I want to know more about your character - and can't wait to have him join us in the stories!
29 Jan 2016 at 16:52
Volodja Uljanov: And I am writing three guys as my self erected literary challenge track
29 Jan 2016 at 16:52 *
Theoretical: I am working on it. My mind is rusty tho. Last rps I had where in the ESO and SWTOR universe. Gotta get into the Defiance state, its taking some time. 29 Jan 2016 at 16:54
Belle Starr: NP! Hi Volo! OOPS, got to get ready for that Doctor's appointment I spoke of! CY'all later!
29 Jan 2016 at 16:56
Theoretical: Let us know how it went! 29 Jan 2016 at 16:59
Volodja Uljanov: Take care
29 Jan 2016 at 17:31
Vo Kshaa: I've set Vo's squad on their way back to Defiance so you can handle the trip back. Unless you want to meet raiders' Big Joe which I thought could be a Hulker =) 30 Jan 2016 at 01:29
Theoretical: First Solo Character Background story writing posted. 30 Jan 2016 at 03:00
Belle Starr: Theo - REALLY like Ryleth background story so far! I see a lot of potential here for great story telling! As to my doctors, hurt my ankle in September, really painful to walk, so they r treating it! Walking with a cane - YUK!
30 Jan 2016 at 08:06 *
Atticus Batman: Actually Belle I wasn't breastfed. And I developed an allergy to the baby formula of the 70s/80s. It was rice based. And I am still deadly allergic to rice to this day. This glutton free era is a deadly hazard to me as rice is in almost everything now.
30 Jan 2016 at 13:06 *
Atticus Batman: Also sorry to hear about the ankle and cane. I've been there, and thanks to those old injuries making my ankles weak, one wrong step and I am there again. 30 Jan 2016 at 13:07 *
Atticus Batman: Oh and I see we are revealing the people behind the multiple characters to our newest friend! Theo as you are now realizing several of us control multiple main characters. I have Atticus, Kaj and the Constantine twins. 30 Jan 2016 at 13:21
Volodja Uljanov: Hope you will get better, Belle. 30 Jan 2016 at 13:55
Theoretical: *pets Atticus* Rice is good, sorry to hear of the allergy. And hope you get well soon Belle. And I will probably be playing three characters as well. I have an E-rep Captain in my head and a Indogen Doctor. 30 Jan 2016 at 16:09
Theoretical: Jeebuz my spelling in that post is horrible. 30 Jan 2016 at 16:11
Volodja Uljanov: I have couple of ideas for the jungle adventure already
31 Jan 2016 at 11:36 *
Kaj Oenfer: Belle, if you want me to change anything about what I had Lady say, then I will.
31 Jan 2016 at 15:40
Sandy Bell: NP Atticus, but until Chase gets there, I really don't have a post for Lady! She would give a thumbs up to Kaj's promotion, but I don't feel the urge to write a whole post around a gesture! LOL!
31 Jan 2016 at 16:26 *
Belle can't log in and stay in: Have to post as Sandy later - My internet Explorer can't hold this website this morning!
Off to Denny's for breakfast with my spouse!
31 Jan 2016 at 16:49
Volodja Uljanov: Bon appetite! Enjoy your meal and company. 31 Jan 2016 at 16:55
Vo Kshaa: Hope you'll get well soon Belle! And for Theo, speaking of our characters, my ones are Taffer, Vo Kshaa and Luuzuk Kshaa, both here in RP and in game. 1 Feb 2016 at 01:32
Sandy Bell: Thanks Vo and all of you, but it looks like I'm stuck with the walking cane for at least a couple of months! At least the prescription pain killers make sure I get a good night's sleep!
1 Feb 2016 at 02:18
Kaj Oenfer: Alright modified my post. I added Lady's thumbs up and mentioned that Volodja is also missing. 1 Feb 2016 at 12:41
Theoretical: Posted! 1 Feb 2016 at 21:26
Theoretical: Aaand I just realized I probably should post these in Character Stories since Character profile is supposed to be a description... 1 Feb 2016 at 21:33
Taffer: I can move them no problem, but we don't have a strict format for character description so it's up to you if you want those to represent your character or you want them to be moved to stories and be more formal with the description. 1 Feb 2016 at 22:57
Theoretical: I will be more formal, seems better that way. So if its ok, could you move them? 1 Feb 2016 at 23:43
Taffer: Done. You can change the title of your new thread in Character Stories if you want. 1 Feb 2016 at 23:50
Theoretical: COOKIES FOR THE TAFFER! 2 Feb 2016 at 00:19
Sandy Bell: This is South America! They HAVE to have coffee, right?!?! Huh, guess not... oh internet, u have failed me!
2 Feb 2016 at 03:05 *
Sandy Bell: Hey Volo! I just read the Volodja and Sandy parts of the whole MIA story so far, and they flow together REALLY well! And it's a FUN read! We DO write well together!
2 Feb 2016 at 06:22 *
Volodja Uljanov: They do have coffee and a lot (Few years ago Peru ranked as a fifth producer of Arabica in the world), but I am not sure if those Indians have any
They might be hunters instead of being farmers. And WE DO write well together
2 Feb 2016 at 09:30 *
Chase Lonehart: Belle - Not to mention, the show established "tangbark tea", which is "like coffee." So, if needed, there's that. 2 Feb 2016 at 10:16
Volodja Uljanov: Must honour Chris for creating an environment, because today is the anniversary for me - I joined RP a year ago. 2 Feb 2016 at 10:34
Sandy Bell: Volo - Tuesday is my long work day, so I probably won't be writing anything for a bit, so move Sandy where u want when confronting the slavers! And Congrats on the anniversary!
2 Feb 2016 at 11:41 *
Volodja Uljanov: Thanks. Don't worry - Sandy gets to do a soldiers's work as her task because nobody will be left aside from that effort to repel slavers and stall the story, so others can join
2 Feb 2016 at 11:44 *
Volodja Uljanov: Hope you like Volo's post
2 Feb 2016 at 21:51 *
Taffer: Well, I definitely liked it.
3 Feb 2016 at 00:00
Belle Starr: OK, why I don't add my NPCs to the NPC lists: I tried to add Commander Kima to the alphabetical list Atticus started, and completely mucked it up and ruined the form, so I left it the end of the list - AAARGH!
3 Feb 2016 at 12:34
Atticus Batman: Alright Rita kima and sentenza are added. 3 Feb 2016 at 14:58
Sandy Bell: TYVM Atticus! You're my favorite!
3 Feb 2016 at 19:42
Volodja Uljanov: are making me jelaous
3 Feb 2016 at 19:47
Sandy Bell: SOMEBODY PLEASE drive Chase, Iri, Archer and Vo back to Defiance! I've got a confrontation scene I'm just itching to write with Lady! (Or do I have to have her suddenly develop teleportation powers? LOL)!
3 Feb 2016 at 19:56
Sandy Bell: HI VOLO! That was the plan!
3 Feb 2016 at 19:57
Sandy Bell: OK, let's see what damage Sandy can do!
3 Feb 2016 at 19:58 *
Volodja Uljanov: I am willing to wait and see
Especially when I have another lecture, Volo can give, in my mind. We have been damn educational about Peru and other things and I think that is good
3 Feb 2016 at 20:00 *
Sandy Bell: Yeah, I like that too! It adds authentic flavor to the story, and it really brings out the "scholar" side of Volodja! I decided to give a little recap of Sandy's background for new readers, but finished mostly.
3 Feb 2016 at 20:43
Volodja Uljanov: And I used time to finish Wolfram post. 3 Feb 2016 at 20:51
Sandy Bell: OOPs! Still need to add a Commander Rima post that might bring Marcel back into the scene if u want! But first - COFFEE!
3 Feb 2016 at 21:00
Volodja Uljanov: Done! Hopefully they are enjoyable to read as they were to write
3 Feb 2016 at 21:37 *
Sandy Bell: They WERE! However, got to go to work now! Marcel has an entry now (hope u enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it) so move Sandy where u need to, as I REALLY got to go get some work done! Been FUN!
3 Feb 2016 at 21:59
Volodja Uljanov: I did enjoyed your post VERY MUCH as I usually do. Take care
3 Feb 2016 at 22:01 *
Vo Kshaa: Got Vo's squad back to Defiance… hopefully. yesterday at 00:59 *
Theoretical: Sorry I havnt posted in awhile. My brain is a bit fried these last days.. Dun know why, I just generally feel like shtacko... yesterday at 01:18
Lady Christianna: You won't believe how long I've held on to Lady's outburst of emotion! WHEW! Glad it's written, and can't wait to see Chase's response! Whatever u decide to do (even killing Lady) I can live with! (Although Atticus might be mad if u do)
yesterday at 03:15
Lady Christianna: Notice I sneaked in the title of the story too in Lady's post! Hehehehehe!
yesterday at 03:23
Chase Lonehart: Belle - You made it a very challenging response for me to come up with. But I figured Iri would be the one who'd still be a bit sore about everything. And I apologize if she's too rough on Lady. yesterday at 06:46
Chase Lonehart: And I had to include Atticus in there, as I figured he is her emotional stability, and she'd probably need him there after Iri's response. yesterday at 06:47
Belle Starr: Glad I can still cause u a challenge Chase! I always enjoy when our characters interact, and I was NOT disappointed this time either! Definitely NOT too rough, and it will be interesting where Atticus will take it from here!
yesterday at 09:24
Volodja Uljanov: Mix of seriousness, eased by some fun in my post. Tried to capture the spirit of 80-s there. Wasn't that easy for me to write about that topic, but I took it as a part of catharsis therapy and let Sandy to be an avenger with one liner. yesterday at 13:36 *
Volodja Uljanov: Thanks Atty for settling Lebau problem. I was just way too eager to try this Cajune speech, so I sort of forgot that he was with kids and didn't added reason for him being at fortress again, although it seemed pretty logical that he returns at some point. yesterday at 16:41 *
Volodja Uljanov: To relieve others from their long shift. yesterday at 16:42
Atticus Batman: Agreed Volo, and no problem. You are right. So I figured that by doing it this way, it would give him the ability to do his Security and command duties at base and still be able to be near the twins as he was ordered. yesterday at 16:50
Atticus Batman: And it gives Bocar some alone time with the twins, while still putting the twins back into familiar surroundings, such as their nursery, which babies do need.
Besides I agree the Cajun speech can be fun to mess with and use, so I can't blame you.
yesterday at 16:51 *
Volodja Uljanov: As a side product I found perfect avatar for Chloe
yesterday at 16:57 *
Atticus Batman: I added a little Ringo Starr to help Atticus out.
yesterday at 16:58
Theoretical: I forgiven? yesterday at 18:39
Volodja Uljanov: I don't see that you did anything wrong
yesterday at 18:44
Theoretical: I no post in a long while. yesterday at 18:45
Theoretical: I bad swede yesterday at 18:45
Volodja Uljanov: Leave the guilt complex to Germans. Besides - I don't remember that we have to write on daily basis. We write when we can or when ispiration hits. yesterday at 18:46 *
Volodja Uljanov: Our writers had even took couple of months vacation, but still they returned because it's kind of addicting
yesterday at 18:48
Theoretical: I thought it was the Catholics who had guilt complex? yesterday at 18:49
Volodja Uljanov: After WW II Germans have a major one. yesterday at 18:49
Theoretical: Well they are the only country that have started a world war and infact,two. yesterday at 18:50
Volodja Uljanov: I dare to disagree -because official declaration of WW II was made by UK and France when Germany attacked Poland
And WW I was a bit family problem -Wilhelm II, George V and Nicolas II were all related. yesterday at 18:51 *
Volodja Uljanov: Nicholas and George even look same. And that gave me another idea to use in my future posts in spe. yesterday at 18:52 *
Theoretical: Well; yeah but being asshats and trying to annex countries that arent theirs. That is an act of war, ergo official or none official, they started two wars even the first with the death of that prince fellow which lead to the start of it. yesterday at 18:53
Theoretical: But eeh, its all semantics in my eyes. War is war and takes more than one side to be born. yesterday at 18:54
Volodja Uljanov: Well, Jerrys annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia without a prob. That was the point where they had to be stopped, but rest of European gouverments probably chickened out. yesterday at 18:55
Volodja Uljanov: Bullies must be stopped right away, before things get worse, but unfortunately it's a retrospective wisdom. yesterday at 18:56
Theoretical: I say... ARKFALL THEM ALL! yesterday at 18:59
Volodja Uljanov: I don't like any warmongers anyway. Our little RP is fine example how people with different backgrounds can work together to entertain people in the world
We have a nice intercontinental and international crew here. yesterday at 18:59 *
Volodja Uljanov: We may have some disagreements but we manage to find a solution
yesterday at 19:09
Theoretical: So no on the arkfalling them? yesterday at 19:10
Volodja Uljanov: Besides only war for our chars are Pale Wars or for my guys - European Civil wars (except Wolfram who is old enough to have even pre war experience). And I like to think that as writers we are all mature people...with our weirdness
yesterday at 19:31 *
Belle Starr: What are u 2 doing!?!? You should be writing! *CRACK* (goes my whip)! U MUST do a post a day - or maybe an hour! LOL! Seriously, we post at our own pace, & participate if we want! Like today, I won't be able to post until the morning! Stuff happens!
yesterday at 19:41
Volodja Uljanov: I know that this is literary galley and we are galley slaves, but recruits don't have to know that
yesterday at 19:50 *
Archer, Frankie J.: I have this fear... of including irrelevant junk in my posts, of posting too much weird useless unnecessary crap. but i kno i shouldn't 19 hours ago
Archer, Frankie J.: i think it has to do with context and what's related, what would lead me to include "that" about archer...etc 19 hours ago
Archer, Frankie J.: could someone's insight help me get over this? 19 hours ago
Theoretical: For those still active in the game on the NA server: When do you play, at what times, how often and do you feel like helping me gathering Recorders from Co-ops 19 hours ago
Theoretical: Oh and I just finished reading Lady Of Sorrow post: So gorgeous. 19 hours ago
Theoretical: Arche: You mean "fluff" content? 18 hours ago
Belle Starr: Theo - Thanks Theo as to the Lady of Sorrow posts, but in retrospect, I should have embedded those posts in the "What Remains" story, but I wanted to try something different & started a new job so didn't know when/if I would write!
17 hours ago
Belle Starr: Archer - I'm not sure there is any thing that is fluff if u enjoy what u r writing, but then some might think all I write is fluff (i.e. Bellerama) - seriously, if u want to write it, write it!... 17 hours ago
Belle Starr: Certainly if it furthers a plot/subplot or helps character development that is great, but I always believe that u got to give something for the other writers to react to and u can't wait for others to create your drama/story!
17 hours ago *
Belle Starr: Belle's Bottom Line - Don't fear trying anything in your writing, for this isn't a job, just have fun, and you'll be fine, and realize sometimes something you try will work, and sometimes it won't!
17 hours ago
Belle Starr: As to playing the Defiance game Theo, right now I'm on hiatus (plus I'm really enjoying Fallout 4), but if they add some new content like promised, I'll be back and I'll let u know then!
17 hours ago
Theoretical: Created a NA clan. Salvagers 16 hours ago
Theoretical: Fallout 4... was not what I wanted... But with mods it works. 16 hours ago
Chase Lonehart: Quick question: Once the ship's repaired, will the group be off to try to rescue those missing in action or will it be returning to the Bay? 13 hours ago
Belle Starr: As I understood it, the Vigilant will go back to the Bay and the smaller ship, once repaired, will take a rescue party to Lima and to the MIA story line!
11 hours ago
Atticus Batman: Correct. Atticus and Lady will take the Vigilant and crew back to the bay. Taffer will take whoever wants to go with him on the rescue mission in the smaller ship to Lima. 8 hours ago *
Volodja Uljanov: Short description of Lima is done. Tried different approach to the topic
Enjoy your stay. 8 hours ago *
Atticus Batman: Weird ass internet connection tonight. It only posted parts of the post I typed and it did so while I was still working on it! LOL Good thing I copied it to notepad. Now that I have deleted the busted post I can fix/finish the one in notepad and repost it. 6 hours ago
Atticus Batman: Alright it is now correctly posted...but I always reserve the right to make an edit/modification or two!
I even added an author's note but not sure if it was necessary.
So what's your opinion Volo? 6 hours ago
Atticus Batman: Just added a line, about Atticus possibly learning the wrong lessons in the past.
Also fixed my link so hopefully it takes you to the original quote now. 5 hours ago *
Volodja Uljanov: It's perfectly fine, Atty 5 hours ago
Atticus Batman: ty 4 hours ago
Sandy Bell: Hi Volo! Need coffee, then will finish my Sandy post! Atticus - love your interaction with Lady, but I'll save her plans for the next story (MIA)! BWA HA HA!
3 hours ago
Volodja Uljanov: Hello.
2 hours ago *
Sandy Bell: Time for Sophie to get upset! Bwa HA ha! Okay, u take that part of the story from there - move Sarge and Sadny as u like! I'm going to add a Rima and Marcel part to my post!
2 hours ago *
Chase Lonehart: Okay. I'm trying to get my barrings about where the characters are going. about an hour ago
Volodja Uljanov: Oh. Hello Chase. Added a bit unconventional description of Lima to locations section. A tourist brochure like approach. about an hour ago *
Belle Starr: Actually, if u want in on the next story (MIA) go to Lima with the rescue party in the small aircraft that u r fixing! Lady and Atticus are taking the Vigilant back to the Bay Area if u rather go your own way there!
about an hour ago *
Chase Lonehart: BTW, was the Omec cloning tech found underground in any of the previous stories? I mean, I wasn't sure if it was discovered and the clone of Doc Yewll released from its hibernation or not. I can't remember if it has or not. about an hour ago *
Belle Starr: OK Volo, finished the Kima post so Marcel has something to do! Chase, IDK for sure but I don't think so! Going to get more coffee, then read the Lima background Volo can't wait for us to read! LOL!
33 minutes ago *
Volodja Uljanov: After all I need feedback
31 minutes ago
Belle Starr: Chase, on 2nd thought, I thought that equipment and the clones were destroyed as Nolan left - but not sure! Still, if so, I think a clone or two might escape the destruction.
31 minutes ago *
Belle Starr: Volo, that was hilarious and informative! LOL! Great job! OK, I still have a Belle post in mind, but I need a break and some food, so Adios for now!
18 minutes ago *
Chase Lonehart: Actually, the equipment I'm refering to is underground in the train station, which you can still see the Doc Yewll clone when everyone heads up to the Omec ship. And, it appears that the equipment is intact the last time we see it. 10 minutes ago
Chase Lonehart: In fact, when you see Kindzi head up, the equipment is still there and looks intact. 10 minutes ago *